Roleplay Rules

last updated 10/29/2022

This section is currently a work in progress! Please check back later when I send out a post saying it has been finalized.

General Rules

  1. I will always play as the gainer/feedee. I am not interested in any other role. however, mutual gain is fine, as long as my character ends up being the bigger of the two.

  2. Don't write one-liners! Write formally, as if you're writing a piece of fiction for English class. I'm not asking for multiple paragraphs, either. Just one small, neatly written paragraph is enough for me. I'm a literate+ roleplayer, but semi-literate roleplayers are perfect for WG rp. Just put effort into it!

  3. If you write replies that completely ignore my side of the story, I'll tell you. If you keep not fully reading and actually replying to what I've written, I'm leaving the chat. Simple as that. Don't half-ass it.

  4. Don't pm me every five seconds if I don't reply. I have a life. I'll get to you when I can. :)

  5. If you're going to message me, please be able to write frequent replies. When I have free time, I don't want to be waiting days on end just to get one rp response from you. I understand that we have lives, but if you don't reply to me within a few days, I'll leave the chat. You don't have to reply to the rp-- as long as you at least give me an update on your situation, I'll understand. I'm patient, but I don't want to wait around forever for nothing to ever happen in the end, or to just get one or two responses only for you to disappear again because at that point, the rp is not fun. (password is swordfish to show me you've read my rules)

  6. No vore, transformation, popping, giantess, inflation, pure breast expansion, pure ass expansion, stenches or farts.

  7. If my character's clothes burst, I don’t want them to be nude for the entire rp. I find it boring when they don't have any clothes to burst out of anymore, put simply.

  8. Don't message me if you're going to stop replying and ghost me. That's just rude. Tell me if you're not interested anymore. Trust me, I can take it.

  9. As long as the character is mobile, we can keep roleplaying and it'll be fun. We can stretch immobility to high numbers too so it can last longer! The moment my character becomes a naked blob that can only eat and fill up a room, I'll get bored and wanna end it.

  10. Know how to play whoever you're going to play please. You don't need prior rp experience as them, but please play them realistically.

  11. I really like on-the-spot gain and about 15 lbs of chub per day or meal, but the number can go higher. I prefer rapid gain over anything if that's what we want, but slow burn is totally okay as long as we have an actual plot to go off of, annd as long as the gain is at least somewhat faster than it would be in real life.

  12. I can play as a boy or a girl, human or furry. What they are doesn't matter to me, nor does any pairing.

  13. I create a new character for each rp I am in. For WG rps, my favorite personality types to play are 1, the rude character who needs to be taught a lesson by gaining, or 2, a really sweet character who ends up gaining somehow and is in heavy denial over it. However, I could go for any character type as long as it fits the rp!

  14. Make your character act realistic to the situation at hand. Don't have them randomly perform sexual acts, as people with common sense don't actually do that.

  15. I do NOT rp with minors or as minors under any circumstance. It is disgusting, as I am 19 years of age and have no business rping with children. If I find out that you are a minor, I will end our rp immediately.

Kinks & Preferences


  • Stuffing

  • Stuckage

  • Rapid/On-the-spot gain

  • Belly centered gain

  • Clothes-bursting

  • Struggle to move around

  • Feederism

  • Light slob (sweating, food crumbs, eating ravenously)

  • Denial

  • Revenge Gain

  • Force Feeding

  • Humiliation

  • Male weight gain

  • Furniture breaking

  • Ex-Jock


As I said earlier, I can rp any gender, human or furry, or any pairing, but the items listed below are just what I prefer over anything.

  • Human characters

  • MxM

  • Male weight gain

  • Denial

  • Somewhat fast/unrealistic gain

  • Light slob(dropping crumbs, food stains, heavy breathing, ravenous eating)

  • Stuffing & force feeding

  • Clothes bursting

  • Humiliation

  • Furniture breaking

  • Struggle to move and fit into things

  • Belly centered gain

Plot Concepts

This section is a WIP!